ACRC Course: On-chip Power Delivery Networks: Design, Simulation and Analysis


Design of a stable, high-quality on-chip power distribution network is complicated and expensive. In this course, you will be introduced to the basic components of common power delivery systems. The problems of electromigration and IR drop, and the effect of on-chip decoupling capacitance will be discussed. We will explore the complexity and challenges in designing and modeling the on-chip power delivery grid, and will present common methods used in the industry today. Finally, future challenges and maturing technologies will be presented.

List of Topics:

Presenting the power distribution problem: IR drop and electromigration, Power delivery system, Package, Power Distribution Network, Importance, problems and challenges, On-chip decoupling capacitance, Power Network Modeling and Simulations: Resistance checks, Static analysis, Dynamic analysis, Signal Electromigration, Typical Problems and their Solutions, Future Challenges and Technologies: Growth in power consumption, 3D integration, Backside power delivery

Course Schedule: 

Introduction to On-chip Power Distribution Networks – 9:30-10:45

Coffee Break – 10:45 – 11:15

On-chip Power Network Modeling and Simulations – 11:15-12:30

Lunch Break – 12:30 – 13:30

Typical Problems and their Solutions – 13:30 – 14:45

Coffee break – 14:45-15:15

Future Challenges and Technologies – 15:15-16:30


Date: September 15, 2024

Time: 9:30 – 16:30

Location: Auditorium 1003 Mayer Building, Technion, Haifa


Cost: 1900 shekels (10% discount for IAP club members)
ACRC members, Israeli university students, and Technion employees can attend at no cost
Registration is required

Register here

Note: Registration closes on Wednesday, 11th September 2024.